
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bling Bling - Story of my Ring - Part 2

So if you are following along with the story of my Bling you now know about the major road bump we hit that set us back a month or two...

After depleting our *Ring Fund* to pay off old debts I was pretty devastated to be completely up front with you.... but really, we did the responsible thing... as a team!

He is not the only one joining this relationship with a past of financial difficulty.... while I love my job, the degree I needed to pursue it was rather spendy... I mean, I got a good deal - say 80% off.... but I still owe FOUR times our initial wedding budget in student loans... so I'd say we are pretty much financially equal in the debts we bring together...

But - this post is about my bling... not our wallets... so let's continue with the story shall we....

While we started saving again, we also continued to look around at our local jewelry stores...

We stopped in Kays and Zales - neither had much of a selection of Marquise stones.... like I mentioned in the last post, what I was looking for is rare - unpopular - not a big seller - etc. So I understand that some stores cannot afford to carry stock that will not move. Both the Kays and Zales stores we visited had very friendly sales people... just nothing to offer *us*

One day while grocery shopping, we stopped into the in-store jewelry store. Not mentioning names here, since we have a bad experience to share, but this jewelry store (supported by their parent company grocery store) is suppose to be one of the larger jewelers in the country. While they did have a stone in the store that was close to what we were looking for it was slightly wider than I wanted. With Marquise stones the length to width ratio helps determine how aesthetically pleasing the stone is, and my preference was to get a ratio of more than 2:1

Well, darn! No Luck?

Actually, this store was planning on hosting a Diamond Event where they bring in Millions of dollars worth of stones and setting and you can make exactly what you want!!

How exciting!

We left our details, budget, preferences and such with the store - made an appointment for the event (three weeks later) and started saving like CRAZY!!

On the day of our appointment I woke Him up early (he works nights and doesn't usually wake up until 4pm - we were scheduled for 3pm) and we eagerly went off to the market!!

Unfortunately, when we got their we discovered that they had made NO attempt to bring ANY stones matching the information we had left - and no we did not ask for like a 3 carat stone for less than $1,000 or something equally ridiculous.... we knew the price we would have to pay for what we wanted and had left reasonable requests the last time we were in. Not only did this store not call us to let us know they we unable to find what we wanted - they had the audacity to suggest we buy the same stone we rejected THREE.WEEKS.AGO!!!!

*Que tears*

Picture from Newborn Baby Ideas




We left of course... upset... I was sad... But hey, if nothing else we had been motivated to save back up again... that counts for something right?

And really... you will never guess where we found my ring...

O.M.G. Did anyone else has *THIS* much trouble in the ring department???

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