
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Queen of the Dances

Of course I am talking about our FIRST dance...

Mr. & I both like country music - and there are tons of great 'first dance' songs to choose from...

Our favorites included:

  • One Boy, One Girl - Colin Raye

  • The Day Before You - Rascal Flatts

  • I Love the Way You Love Me - John Michael Montgomery

  • I Could Not Ask For More - Edwin McCain

  • When You've Got A Good Thing - Lady A
But after a few rounds of Pandora I stumbled onto a song I had never heard before....

Keeper of the Stars by Tracy Byrd

If you, like me, have never heard the song you should at least give it 60 seconds of your time...

I have a huge soft spot for songs that reference fate... in this song Tracy says "It was no accident, me finding you.... someone had a hand in it, long before we ever knew..."

A lot of things in my life lined up just so to get me where I am today - for example I switched schools my senior year, and ended up with a scholarship to a college offering my degree, which never would have happened if I hadn't decided to live with my mom when she and my dad split... So while some people might be upset that there parents split up, I look back and with an "everything happens for a reason attitude"

So, that was my top choice for a LONG time... but then I heard that George Strait was coming to Salt Lake City and knew that tickets to his concert would make the PERFECT Valentines Day gift... {it was}

And whenever someone has a concert our local radio stations play their music non-stop.... and they bring up new songs that you haven't heard in like *forever*... and that's when I remembered:

I Just Want to Dance With You by George Strait

Pretty much the most perfect song *EVER*

I love how upbeat it is... makes you want your dance partner to twirl you around... oh yes... I can't wait to Just Dance with Him...

How'd you pick your first dance song??

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