
Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Great Boondoggle.... Part One

What is a Boondoggle you might ask?

Well the generally accepted definition is a project or activity that wastes time and or money. At my work it is kind of a joke we have about side trips while on the road.... So what is this post about? Glad you asked....

At my job I am often required to travel around the country to different food production facilities. This August I was in the middle of a resources tug-o-war and ended up on a project in Pennsylvania.

Just so happens that this job site was fairly close to an Amtrak station = unlimited possibilities!!! I may live and work in Utah, but I got my degree in upstate New York which happens to be where my mom and little sister still currently live.

You can see how that would make dress shopping together rather difficult.

So when I went to purchase my tickets to and from PA I looked into the cost of returning from New York instead, and wouldn't you know - it was cheaper to leave from NYC!!! So I got the ball rolling - plans in motion- appointments set for Dress shopping with my 2 favorite NY ladies!

Unfortunately not every adventure that starts well, ends well.....

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